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Spec-Up-T is a tool that helps you write specifications. It is a tool for writing in Markdown and creates one index.html file.

  • You write your texts in Markdown
  • You use an editor (IDE) or you use GitHub's web editor
  • Your Markdown-files are converted to one index.html file
  • The place where your Markdown files and the index.html are stored is GitHub

The endproduct of your work is the index.html file, the actual specification file.

This index.html file is stand-alone and can be hosted on any web server. Or double-click it, and it will open in a browser.

The Spec-Up-T code itself is available on Github.

Spec-Up and Spec-Up-T

Spec-Up-T is based on Spec-Up, and some of the content on this website is taken from the Spec-Up website and repo.


You will have to install Spec-Up-T to start using it. Go straight to the installation section for instructions.